Our school SENCO is Miss Gleeson
To contact the SENCO, please use the main school contact number: 0161 432 5689
Stockport Council Local Offer
Local Authorities have to publish details of all the support that is available for children and young people with Special Education Needs.
This information is called the 'Local Offer' and must include education, health and care services and must be clear and easy to understand.
Please click this link to visit the Stockport Local Offer which provides advice, information and services to children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Please click this link to go to Stockport's Admissions page
Admission of Children with Special Educational Needs
Entitlement Framework:
Stockport's Co-production charter:
Stockport I-Outcomes:
There are 4 areas of SEND need:
We look forward to working with pupils and parents/carers to ensure a fully inclusive curriculum which allows all our children to access their learning by meeting their and achieving their full potential at St.Joseph's.
For more information please look at our school's SEND policy, Entitlement Framework and Stockport's Local Offer.