Sacramental Programme

At St Joseph's we use the 'I Belong' programme to support children on their Sacramental Journey in Year 3.  

'I Belong' is a programme that contains lively, colourful material in which illustrations and examples are used to reflect the world where today’s children live and experience faith. It is hoped that the children using this book will create a personal momento of this special time in their relationship with God.

At the end of each chapter is a “Family Time” page with suggestions for prayer and something to do together as a family. Small information boxes have been added throughout the book. These cover areas such as:search the church for particular items, explanation of Catholic practices, what to look out for while at Mass and new words associated with reconciliation, First Holy Communion and the Mass. There is also a symbol of a Bible to check out bible references at the end of scripture passages. A small candle features on the corner of each page which, when coloured, indicates progress through the book.

Dates for 2024-2024



Meetings and Celebrations

Welcome to the Programme

Friday 22nd November

3.30pm in the KS2 Hall


Welcome meeting for parents


Welcome Mass

Sunday 24h November

11am at St Joseph’s Church


Sunday Mass for children to attend with their families


We are the people who pray

Sunday 12th January

11am at St Joseph’s Church


Sunday Mass for children to attend with their families


We are the people who celebrate God’s word

Sunday 9th February

11am at St Joseph’s Church


Sunday Mass for children to attend with their families


Reconciliation (First Forgiveness)

Friday 14th March

Time to be confirmed


Sacrament of Reconciliation


We are the people who follow Jesus

Sunday 30th March

11am at St Joseph’s Church

Sunday Mass for children to attend with their families


First Holy Communion

Friday 2nd May

3.30pm in the KS2 Hall


Meeting for parents




Saturday 10thh May at 2pm – 3DH

Saturday 17th May at 2pm – 3RH

First Holy Communion