Learning & Family Liaison Officers

We have two Family and Learning Engagement Officers (FLEO), Louise Wroe and Janet Wrigley. Their role is to help children to be confident and have a positive outlook, encourage good attendance and assist in removing barriers to learning.

They work alongside teachers and parent/carers to ensure that all children are able to get the best out of their time at St Joseph’s, primarily supporting pupils who are experiencing difficulties due to social, emotional or behavioural problems.

What does a Family and Learning Engagement Officer do? –

They use a variety of approaches which can be tailored to individual needs. These include:

  • Individual sessions to discuss problems and look at solutions.
  • One to one sessions looking at particular issues – such as anxiety or regulating emotions.
  • Group work focusing on raising self-esteem, confidence and friendship issues, (Happy to be Me and Happy to be Us).
  • Support and assistance to other school staff.

The Referral:

How does this work?

We welcome and encourage parents to talk to the class teacher about any additional emotional and social support, so they can work together and put additional support in place. Children who are in need of extra support can be referred to the FLEO by the class teacher after talking to parent/carers.

The FLEO will then work alongside Mrs Falsey, assistant head teacher, to set targets which may involve group work or individual support.

The length of support varies according to individual needs and can involve anything from a meet and greet to weekly focused sessions. Examples of the skills worked on include, social skills, self-esteem, resilience, friendships, anger management, anxiety and preparation for transition.

If you would like to contact us directly please use the school office number.